Korean Skincare Products

Shipping & Returns | Seven Blossoms

Shipping & Returns

Our courier costs are R85 to all major cities in SA. Outlying areas may be slightly more expensive. Let us know where you are and we will deliver a quote. Customers not residing in SA, need to mail us as well for a delivery quotation.

Delivery is free for orders over R850

If you'd like to avoid courier costs and are based in Johannesburg, 

  • Pickup/Self Collection is free and the address/details for collection will be emailed to you once your order is confirmed. We are based in Randburg.
  • Expect 2-3 days for delivery. Our couriers do not work on weekends or public holidays, so orders can only be dispatched during the week.
  • Please provide a daytime delivery address, as courier operating hours are between 8:00 and 17:00.

Returns and Refunds

We do our best to bring you the best of K-Beauty, and if you're not happy, we're not happy. 

The hard part about bringing in some of the best skincare in the world is that it's still a niche product. The best part about bringing in some of the best skincare in the world is that not only do we suggest you Google review, but we also encourage you to do so. We love our products, and so does the rest of the world.

So, in the event of you not being happy with your products, please get in touch with us straight away. Beauty products are personal, and for that reason, we do not actually accept returns. Having said that, if your product is unopened and in its original packaging, and damaged, we will gladly refund you. 

All returns must be done within 10 days, or refunds cannot be done. And the customer is responsible for returning the product to us.

 For damaged or defective goods on arrival, please email us immediately upon receipt at info@sevenblossoms.co.za and we will assist you.